vendredi 1 mai 2020

Daddy's little Girl

Hi Everyone!!!!!
Been in years might delay writing here, quite sometime wasn't it :)
But yeah, suddenly in mind that i want to share after pray today.
My Daddy passed away on Monday, March 9th 2020, yeep this year. Quite harsh actually for me while keeping myself strong everytime. Why? Because i was the closest one kiddo that always playing all around him.
Last met him was on Our Chinese New Year 2020 in January, he gave me his last words to carry on with my life after all bcs he knew that his health wasn't good and might not had much time anymore. He just as thin as paper there
I called him, asking his conditions on Tuesday or Wednesday before he collapsed i think... and just as usual everytime picking up my call He just "Helloooo... sayanggg...." cherring up me everytime as usual.
Got messages from my sisters and brother about his condition, well direct flight back home town then arrived on Friday, my Daddy gone by Monday :')
Missing him... missing his voice... missing his words everytime he picked up the phone again..., if i call would you pick up my call again dad?:"(
Take care you Daddy there... Jesus loves you! and we all too

samedi 12 novembre 2016

08:08 PM- GMT (+7)

Hellow y'all, i'm back! Writing this eventually not planning at all, now i'm on the car waiting my friend but yeah I think why not writing a piece of today's awesome moment I'm thinking how different to be here now, I mean the city, the malls, the people even more... yolooooo Truly this job right now, making me staying longer that I ever thought I would be, ahahahaha sorry to be so honest about that City of Memories, iyeps, money could never buy to replace our best memories! I am happy to be here again Today, just back from helping a birthing mother while running around the parking mall, awkward?? Yes, me too How come we were in same level lot? How come we going down while we supposed to going out? How come nobody's not there? How come she was alone? How come we saw the blood or water or whatever it was -____-" Don't worry la, the mother in good, her family being told and good, we're good also What I want to write is.........
helping the birthing mother to hospital is just sooooooooo........intense feeling, running here, there, waiting, praying, worry, fluttering beh..... -______-" I was shaking inside, oh Dad, and still dag - dig- dug
And now, While riding on my friend's car, I see this city has much grown up, i could tell it's awesome, while wind blows and light raining came Since more than a decade comparing those times and now... Since first time and that day seeing this city, its stole my heart..., i dont know who to blame right? ahahaha It's been a while Since everything has felt this right Suddenly it all around, make me smile and I like the smell of this city's petrichor I am praising the One who gives merci and blessing to this City, Thank You
Oh ya, again, while here Thinking about old friends I had left, gosh,... yeah some people might just crossing but yet never disappear at all, right. All those misunderstanding issues that left behind might not completed I wonder why I left, might too tired or just probably better that way... we had choose in who side we stand and trust, it's our choice to be move on without each other i think. I wonder, each of us has our own thought that might never come to an end. I wonder who the one who got away... and if i'm the one, then, very sorry my Friend, I wish and pray you best! :) Be the Ambassador of God every where and every time
Sunshine, new hope-faith-love!
Let's jumping again, i'll go home and take care of my work (PS: homework) ahahahaha Friends will stop by and let's meet up, let's have quality time together while we still can!

mardi 30 août 2016


Each of us has own desire to reach and to pursue, believe it or not, destiny not made by its own. I believe my destiny has been path from decision I make today now, do you believe it too?... I desire in things and people in some points I do not make them or crossing my life to them, as my act of reaching my destiny Coz, in one point we know that they're not our destiny or might we're fear about our destiny as we make a wrong decision In reverse as I following my desire, I pursue it and I make them my destiny... good or bad it is, it will me my part to run and being responsible and commit unto it. I think all people have own dreams right? all depend on you choice How about your desire now? do you pursue it to cross it as in your destiny? At least you try, you'd already won something At least you dare to dream, you'd already another step closer At least you believe, you'd already owned your confidence At least you care, you'd already part of your achievement ........................................................ NO any luck to achieve BIG things here, you do you choose you try you loose you learn you win you know you live you die you trust you cry you feel Embrace your decisions no matter what, it's not about right or wrong, it's about respond Respond to be responsible for your own destiny at last and you ride it Well, I'm now in working ahahahaha, it's been awhile for this blog yah Far away from home, yet He drawing my destiny full of color, He makes it perfect, always. Yours too.... Ours too my friend. I love YOU there, yes You, Keep ON MOVING you can do it Your BestFriend & Always, RFH

dimanche 29 avril 2012

Kaget dalam Hening

Akhirnya yah nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia juga..., moga-moga masih dapat dimengerti, :)
Em... Let's start with a lil' story yang intinya ialah: i really & seriously praying to know more about people who involved in my life, since i got some adventures that force me to start over my memories about them.
Setiap hari saya memaksa diri saya untuk harus berdoa, membaca email-email terdahulu, melihat foto-foto, melafalkan nama dan sebagainya....sampai saya benar-benar yakin bahwa mereka pernah ada, sejauh mana mereka exist dan mereka ini siapa... Ya, karena banyak yang telah terjadi dan saya lupakan. Saya merasa bertanggung jawab untuk tidak melupakan begitu saja, sampai akhirnya sekarang 98% saya dapat mengingat dan mengerti dengan jelas siapa dan bagaimana mereka dalam kehidupan saya di masa lalu :)
Yah tapi jangan ditanya mengenai beberapa teman SD atau bahkan TK....SMA saja ada beberapa yang saya uda ga ingat, makanya perlu diingatkan kembali.
Waktu berlalu...sampai akhirnya saya menyadari bahwa setiap dari kita akan hilang satu saat nanti karena ya kita pasti dipanggil ketemu Tuhan di surga satu hari ini. Dan muncul di benak saya, lalu bagaimana caranya agar dalam jangka waktu ini sebelum salah satu dari kita dipanggil Tuhan, kita masih tetap dapat berjalan bersama, karena salah satu kita juga dapat hilang karena tidak adanya komunikasi dan interaksi, benar bukan?
Relasi disini maksud saya em...interaksi berhubungan, interaksi hubungan teman, interaksi hubungan bisnis, interaksi hubungan persahabatan,...jadi jangan disalah pahamkan hubungan yang saya maksudkan ;) maksud saya ialah interaksi satu sama lain.
"We have to move on..." this words are coming not from one but many friends. Ada 2 arti dalam kalimat ini yang tidak jelas mereka ungkapkan dan saya hanya terdiam:
1. Kita harus tetap melangkah........."secara bersama-sama menggapai satu tujuan bersama, walaupun salah satu dari kita sedang mengalami kelemahan namun yang satu akan membantu mengangkat dan dan tetap berjalan bersama-sama menggapai tujuan kita kedepan... (+) it means like "we have to move on...don't worry we're still together no matter what happen in one of us, here take your hand on my shoulder...we have to move on, we can't be late..." ....a.k.a tighten the relation.
2. Kita harus tetap melangkah........."menggapai tujuan yang sama, namun tidak lagi bersama-sama..., sekarang kamu dengan jalan mu, ak dengan jalanku.... (-) it means like "we have to move on....might we were together but now you hv to move on with your-own and me with mine....let's walk alone from now on we're not together anymore, still many things waiting in your life and mine, we have to move on.....on our own ways" a.k.a break up the relation.
Ketika saya berdoa untuk keluarga, kolega, allies, mates, teman2 saya... biasa lah curhat sama Tuhan tentang hal ini, dan saya bertanya....Tuhan, apakah saya harus menanyakan kepada masing-masing mereka mengenai pernyataan mereka itu, namun jika saya bertanya kepada mereka saat itu juga ataupun nanti ...bukankah saya akan terlihat bodoh dimata mereka? bisa jadi mereka tersinggung karena ketidakpercayaan saya terhadap ketulusan mereka sebagai dua orang yang sedang berinteraksi....atau bisa jadi saya yang sakit hati karena menganggap bahwa akan berelasi hingga akhir tapi ternyata maksud mereka...relasi kita hanya sampai disini...Dan satu hal yang membuat saya tenang ketika hikmat-Nya beseru:
"Semua itu akan dibuktikan dengan jalan waktu.... Kmu akan melihat dan mengerti maksud pernyataan mereka! "WAKTU" yang bisa membuktikan...sabar dan menunggulah, lakukanlah bagianmu dan kamu akan melihat pada waktuNya."
Bagian ku meraih mereka apapun yang terjadi, dimana interaksi ku kepada mereka dalam dunia Roh (doa) akan tetap berjalan....begitupun dalam dunia nyata. Namun jika hanya dalam dunia roh saja ..... maka itu tidak akan pernah cukup, karena iman tanpa perbuatan ialah sia-sia.
Di atas merupakan doaku Januari- or might awal Februari kemarin. And it's time to enter the fifth month in this year...i had tried my best for now dan DIA yang menjawab doa itu menyatakanNya dengan jelas dan terbukti....satu-persatu akan terlihat dan kelihatan :')
Kesibukan, kemalasan, kebosanan, kenyamanan, kemapanan, ketidakpedulian, kemarahan, kebohongan, telah membuat jarak yang begitu besar, baik jarak yang dapat dihitung...dan jarak yang tidak kelihatan itu.
"Doesn't matter!" as long as it's God's will, plan and favor "Doesn't matter!" as long as it doesn't bother your joy and peaceful heart "Doesn't matter!" as long as you didn't become the stumbling block >"Doesn't matter!" as long as getting agreement of sincerity "Doesn't matter!" as long as it teach you something valuable that can reach&draw you more in God's love "Doesn't matter!"..............but
"IT does matter!" if you're run from God orders you to do so "IT does matter!" if you're in wrong motivation "IT does matter!" if you're getting in lust & rebel-heart "IT does matter!" if you're lying gap between words and acts "IT does matter!" if you're acts none based of sincerity.... "IT does matter!"
Freely go..., but told you so that you're freely come at first & twice but not Thrice or more ... because no ain't want part-time people in their lives.
Run my life in Godliness and dignity that i should take it as principal
You're all amazing and i thank you as part of my life at past, now and then....:')
FAITHFUL in every way!!!
GOD Bless us all.

mardi 20 mars 2012

Mon Travail

Dans la d'énergie, il y a parfois 30 jours de travail sans interruption, 15-18h par jour et parfois des moments de libres...Je suis autodidacte en l'énergie je ne voudrais pas que cette passion ne devienne qu'un simple métier routinier à la longue ...
"de travail efficientes et efficaces"

lundi 23 janvier 2012

HAPPY LUNAR Day fellas ;)

Another life survival here...Thanks God. Well... as a Chinese today is the most one.
Suppose to gathered with families... have a great dinner with core, then have a swing chat with all them, hugs and smiles everywhere, beers, friends, pretzels, cake, chinese food.... I MISS THAT moment!!!

Today is not about gettin' the red fliers with big money, it will more revealed when age become timely manner :) it's all about back to where you belong... one word 'FAMILY' time

Dear all friends around the world even you're Chinese or none.... Gladly saying "Happy Lunar Day 2012...Xin Nien Kuai Le, Gong Xi Fat Choi 2563"
While i'm laying here without being hometown... it's been seven years since i felt it, em next year with His Will, i'll back for Lunar Day with all fams and friends :) waiting for another year come by.

Now will sleep and hope these days passing me through fast forward...


dimanche 7 août 2011

Make you feel My Love

Yesterday night, i felt different then i asked God to help me see and love men as He sees them. Yeah, because in some point i don't have any reason to love but yet i have to...i can't hold this feeling. And Amen... passed today, one of my friend just told me about how Adele one of the Grammy's winner rocks with her voice as a singer and also as a writer of each of her owned. And then she gave me her ipod and okay...let me heard one, the song blew me off my mind about what inside the messages and just like a click time remembering my last night praying time.

When the rain is blowing in your face,
And the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear,
And there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet,
But I would never do you wrong.
I've known it from the moment that we met,
No doubt in my mind where you belong.

I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,
I'd go crawling down the avenue.
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret.
Though winds of change are blowing wild and free,
You ain't seen nothing like me yet.

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.
Nothing that I wouldn't do.
Go to the ends of the Earth for you,
To make you feel my love

Ou, when everything comes from heart always touch the Heart!
A human being can make a song such like this, wow imagine if God makes a song for you like this even more sweet than this...amazing ha?!
Ask for a love? you should ask for Him inside you first :)
You and me just a simple light dust, nothing else.... but He died for me and you just to make us feel His Love.

You can hear Adele sings here: